Six Thinking Hats Workshop Online, New Delhi

Six Thinking Hats, a thinking skills training course from Edward de Bono, teaches parallel thinking as an alternative to argument. Parallel thinking guides thought processes in one direction at a time so we can effectively analyze issues, generate new ideas, and make better decisions. Six Thinking Hats helps put our opinions aside so we can focus on a way forward, without argument. The Six Thinking Hats training course is fast-paced, practical, and interactive. Participants learn how to separate emotion from facts, the positive from the negative and critical thinking from creative thinking.


Six Thinking Hats® Training Course Objectives and Outcomes Competencies enabling them to solve problems including the ability to:

1. Identify a problem .
2. Propose alternative solutions .
3. Predict the consequences of each alternative
4. Assess the usefulness of each set of consequences .
5. Select the best alternative .
6. Implement it .
7. Evaluate it.

WHO NEEDS Six Thinking Hats® : Anyone who wants to think clearly, objectively, and relatively will benefit from Six Thinking Hats training.


⌛ Event Dates & Venue

22 Sep - 24 Sep 2021, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

💸 Website & Tickets

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